09 Apr 22
Event Time
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3 hours
Online Event
Event type
Pricing Information
$120.00 USD

Code of Ethics in Action

This course is offered in English with Spanish translation available.

3-hour CCE program focuses specifically on the Code of Ethics:

Equality, Inclusion & Diversity

Defining your professional ethics and standards

Contracts, Sponsorship & Confidently

Red Flags: what to pay attention to before and during a coaching engagement

Our promise is that during these 3 hours, you will:

Learn what lessor known factors influence and shape equality, inclusion and diversity and how they are unique to each culture.

Gain new insight on how to handle “sticky situations” or moments of uncertainty.

Learn new ways to assess a client’s life events and emotional situations which may require the coach to refer to a therapist (i.e.: depression, anxiety).

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC :    RD : 3
Number of events : 84
Number of languages : 1