28 Feb 25
Event Time
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5 hours
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Free Event

IFS Made Simple: A Free One-Day Training

This free one-day training in Internal Family Systems (IFS) will introduce you to the model’s six organizing principles, and will alter how you view yourself, your clients, and larger social systems.

It will also give you a taste of our comprehensive nine-month training called Coaching with IFS — offering 40 CCEs.

Many of you have been called to coaching because you want to facilitate deep transformation in others. IFS will give you the tools.

It will also help you build your practice more quickly since interest in IFS has exploded and few places train coaches in the full model, including healing the young wounded parts of us.

It is those young wounded parts who are overlooked when our clients embark on self-improvement programs, — and who are overlooked in most coaching programs.

IFS Made Simple is for you if you want to begin a personal journey of healing and awakening and start learning how to facilitate that same journey in others.

Join us. It’s free!

Event schedule or other information/comments
This training includes:

Didactic teaching about the IFS organizing principles, the 6 "f's", Self and parts

Two live demonstrations followed by debriefs of how the IFS model was used.

An intro to Coaching with IFS: Co-Creating Healing and Awakening, a nine-month coach training starting in April 2025.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
HOURS by type:   
CC :    RD :
Number of events : 84
Number of languages : 1