22 Oct 24
- 29 Oct 24
- 29 Oct 24
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
1099 USD
Inclusive Behaviors Inventory Advanced Practitioner Certification
Inclusive Behaviors Inventory Advanced Practitioner Certification enables practitioners to create more inclusive environments that help everyone contribute their best. Certified individuals learn how to leverage the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI), an industry-leading, statistically-validated tool for advancing inclusion. Practitioners help individuals, teams, and organizations take tangible steps toward sustainable inclusion in the global workplace.
Event schedule or other information/comments
IBI Certification consists of a two-hour self-paced learning module and three, two-hour, live, virtual training sessions. Participants must attend each session of the program:October 22: 9-11am CET
October 24: 9-11am CET
October 29: 9-11am CET
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:
CC : 4 RD : 4
CC : 4 RD : 4
Number of events : 69
Number of languages : 1