05 Mar 25
- 09 Apr 25
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
2000 EUR + VAT EUR

Integrative Constructivist Team Coaching Certificate

Integrative Constructivist Team Coaching Certificate is your route toward Advanced Team Coaching Accreditation (ATCA).

The program offers an integrative blend of constructivist, solution focused and systemic approaches, tools and techniques of team coaching.

It integrates research and theory on teams, with team coaching models and advanced tools for team coaching. The program uniquely addresses new topics and ways of teamwork relevant to coaching: agile team coaching, cross-functional team coaching, team of teams coaching and more.

The program is based on learning by doing, integrating simulations and feedback as essential learning methodologies.

As a special feature, you may use Coachia, our AI learning system, to support you between the training sessions with AI Tutor, AI Simulator, AI Mentor and AI Reflective Buddy.

You want to become a certified team coach? This is a creative, innovative, science-based program to help you get there.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : AATC
HOURS by type:   
CC : 65    RD :
Number of events : 84
Number of languages : 1