06 Oct 22
- 17 Nov 22
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$1,100 - $1,550 USD

Leadership for Business Agility Fall 2022

Grow your leadership capacity to be more adaptable and broaden your leadership range to have more impact.

We are living in increasingly complicated times. It’s a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) and traditional approaches to leadership and running organizations are simply not effective enough to navigate everything that is happening.

Put simply, top-down, directive, command-and-control leadership is not a successful strategy. VUCA environments need leaders who can ask the question:
* If we have even more complex environments, what kind of leaders do we need? And,
* What kind of leaders do we need to be?

We feel passionate about leadership and want to open a space where we can explore this subject with a group of people with diverse opinions.

Event schedule or other information/comments
All classes start at 3pm(CEST) / 9am (EST) for 2.5h

7 Thursdays:
* Oct: 6, 13, 20, 27
* November: 3, 10, 17
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
HOURS by type:   
CC : 11    RD : 13
Number of events : 83
Number of languages : 3