09 May 24
- 13 Jun 24
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
On site event
Zoom details to be given after registration.
Event type
Pricing Information
Teleclasses only-$500; Teleclasses and Onsite- $1800 USD

Level Up Your Coaching Skills

At the Center for Equus Coaching, we’re dedicated to fueling your professional growth by offering dynamic training and skill-building opportunities. Level Up Your Coaching Skills is tailor-made for any certified coaches looking to enhance their skills and ensure their accreditation is up-to-date. Led by qualified PCC coaches, this program will help enhance your coaching proficiency and confidence through and in-depth exploration of 6 central topics for any successful coach. Topics included are: Ethics and the Rhythm of Coaching, Attachment Styles, Mindfulness and Dropping Agenda, a Neuroscience Approach to Coaching, Grief, and Activating Your Sales and Marketing Strategies. Explore these topics through the lens of ICF core competencies and PCC markers to expand your knowledge base and immediately apply new techniques with your clients.
This course also provides an introduction to the highly effective, experiential modality of Equus Coaching®.

Event schedule or other information/comments
This course will be taught over 6- 90 minute teleclass gatherings (Taking place on Thursdays at 12pm PT beginning May 9, 2024.) As an add on option: The course will wrap-up with an optional 2-day in-person onsite located in Golden, CO.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 6    RD : 3
Number of events : 88
Number of languages : 2