06 Aug 24
- 08 Aug 24
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
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Pricing Information
$450.00 USD

Power of Positivity – 6 CCEs in Core Competencies

Positivity can be contagious. Every situation has an upside and a downside; the yin and the yang, the good and the bad.

The ICF core competencies help to draw out positivity in ourselves as coaches in order to serve any client, but some people are predisposed to see the glass half-empty; they focus on past bad experiences rather than the positive things they learned along the way. They worry about the “what ifs” of situations they have no control over, rather than saying “this is what I CAN do” and focusing on the upside of a situation.

Much work has been done around the relationship of positive psychology and coaching. Increase your own awareness and fine tune your knowledge of core competencies around The Power of Positivity with this continuing coach education course from The Elevar Group designed specifically for credentialed coaches.

Event schedule or other information/comments
2 live webinar sessions for 2024

March 19-21, 2024, 7-9 PM EST

August 6-8, 2024, 8-10 AM EST

This is a 3 day 2 hour group webinar course that is also available on demand.

Register for the group webinar here https://attendee.gototraining.com/33lj6/catalog/1712754729054460160?tz=America/New_York

Can’t make the group webinar schedule? Take this course for $595 on demand - 6 CCEs register at http://www.elevargroup.com/courses/on-demand-courses/
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 6    RD :
Number of events : 87
Number of languages : 2