13 Apr 22
Event Time
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On site event
Via Carlo Gomes, 10 - 20124 Milan
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
250 + IVA (305) Euro

The Secret Language of Motivations

The Workshop encourages the discovery of the real desires that move the interlocutor. In fact, in the dynamic of communication every motivation uses a specific language, which emerges clearly from the lexical choices of everyone and from the structure of thinking.
The proposed model makes possible, for those who observe and listen carefully, the discovery of other’s desires, and motivations behind them, and then the identification of the best communication strategy for each interlocutor.

• The six motivational levers: the reference model
• How to recognize the motivations behind your behavior
• The technique of questions to understand the value system of your coachee
• Center with language: how to tune your message with the motivations of the other
• How to translate the six motivations into advantages and opportunities recognizable by the coachee

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 3    RD : 3.5
Number of events : 69
Number of languages : 1