24 Apr 23
- 23 Jun 23
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
2100 Euro

TIFF Provider Licensing Training (TPLT) – 40 CCEs

The TIFF Provider Licensing Training (TPLT) is designed to equip coaches and other helping professionals to use the Functional Fluency model and validated behavioral TIFF©-tool in coaching/mentoring, therapy and training to support their clients in their personal and/or professional development and increase their own effectiveness as a helping professional.

This experiential online training spans two months in total and consists of eight half-day training sessions and two supervision sessions in groups.
Prior to the training there is always a free and non-committal intake interview.

If you decide to participate in the training, you will undergo a so-called TIFF©-feedback session to explore your own TIFF©-profile.

By completing the training, you will gain thorough understanding of the Functional Fluency model and the TIFF©-tool and will learn how to use use the TIFF©-tool in your professional practice.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Sessions 1 - 4: understanding and applying the Functional Fluency model and the TIFF© behavioral tool.

In between training days, participants practice in pairs with three of their own practice clients, learning to apply the TIFF© tool in conversations.

Sessions 5 - 6: Exchanging experiences on applying the TIFF© instrument with practice clients. Deeper insight into the connection with TA theory and the psychodynamic term 'transference'. Special attention is given to ethics. Participants learn how to work with the TIFF online system.

Supervision in between: In groups of a maximum of 4 participants participants prepare for working with TIFF© with their practice clients, with support and supervision to ensure optimum learning. Participants also talk extensively about their experiences with the TIFF© instrument in their own professional context. Finally, participants engage in self-study on the basis of information they receive during the training.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 23    RD : 17
Number of events : 84
Number of languages : 1