09 May 23
- 11 May 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Professional development

Becoming an Empowered Leader – Lunchtime Masterclass for Millennial Leaders

Join us for a 3-part Masterclass series to support millennial leaders seeking to enhance their leadership skills, presence, and confidence. We aim to focus on three different spheres:

Leadership Styles: To help you become an effective leader, understanding the different leadership styles and your own will help you identify where and when to adapt your style for the greatest impact.

Communication: Learn the importance of active listening, empathy, clarity, giving & receiving feedback, transparency, and building trust.

Empowered Delegation: Learn three strategies to delegate effectively to empower your team and identify areas of growth.

Each session will be facilitated by an experienced coach who will hold the space for the group and help you create value for each other and will be based on themes driven by the most relevant and helpful topic in each sphere.

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
Leadership coaching
Remaining: 46
Number of events : 0
Number of languages : 0