14 May 24
- 17 May 24
Event Time
Your Time Zone
74 hours
Online Event
Event type

Coaching for International Workers and Organizations

This pro-bono event is organized by members of the International Coaching Federation, Switzerland. It is for international workers and organizations and designed to address the current challenges in this field of work, such as stress management, intercultural relations, leading in times of crisis, sustainability leadership, careers in the international workplace, and more. All staff, HR professionals and managers will find something of interest in this event.
The contributing coaches and speakers in this event are certified coaching professionals with extensive international experience as coaches and careers in international organizations.
The event comprises 12 online webinars and over 70 individual coaching hours, 1 on-site session hosted by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) in Geneva on 17 May, a full website with interviews, replays and resources: https://www.icw2024io.com

Register for webinars on this page. Book coaching sessions on the Coach’s offer page.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Online webinars on 14, 15 and 16 May
Day session 11:00-14:00 CET with 3 Speakers
Evening session 18:00-19:00 CET, with 1 Keynote Speaker

14 May
11:00 - A coaching mindset improves worklife, Saba Imru
12:00 - Interview with Kirsten Fonager, UNOPS
13: 00 - tbd
18:00 - Breaking Boundaries: Embracing Growth for Resilience and Confidence, Melanie Shudofsky

15 May
11:00 - Improve communication with coaching and transactional analysis, Dr Archana Tyagi
12:00 - Creating a coaching culture, Katie Klein
13:00 - Empowering sustainability leadership through coaching, Diego Raiteri, Saba Imru-Mathieu
18:00 - Positive Intelligence - Overcome the impact of our "Saboteurs", Sabine McCarthy.

16 May
11:00 - Step into your power and purpose, Theresia Redigolo
12:00 - Understanding intercultural sensitivity in organizations
13:00 - Creating an internal coaching program
18:00 - Courageous conversations, transforming dialogue to action

17 May, at IRU, Geneva
13 - 31 May - Coaching sessions
Maximum participants: 200
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 162
Number of events : 195
Number of languages : 15