09 May 23
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching ethics
Free Event

Coaching, training, or psychotherapy? ICF Professional Ethics could help you choose

We propose an interactive training that sheds light on the boundaries between coaching and other professions (training, psychotherapy, mentoring).

The workshop is addressed to the general public and coaches within the “International Coaching Week 2023” and has as main learning objectives:

Understanding the differences between professional services – coaching, training, therapy – according to the ethics of the coaching profession.

Familiarity with four of the ICF ethical standards to support this differentiation.

Highlighting good coaching practices that take these ethical standards into account, and bad coaching practices that violate them.

Highlighting the possible interpretation and the conduct derived from the four standards.

Maximum participants: 99
Type of coaching:
Best coaching practice
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5
Number of events : 816
Number of languages : 22