10 May 23
Event Time
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1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Personal growth

Cultural Agility

What does it mean to be a globe hopper and a citizen of the world?
Theoretically, a couple languages and learning cultural intelligence are key.
But how do you put this learning into motion?
The answer – Cultural Agility.

If you find yourself saying, “Yes, I speak a foreign language and I know the essentials of a given culture but when it comes to actually doing it, the inner voice stops at “this feels wrong, fake, unnatural” then, you’ve come to the right place.

In this webinar, we will explore what Cultural Agility is and practice it.

Give this webinar a try and you’ll be ready to put all of your knowledge into practice. And give your inner voice a confidence boost!

Join us!

Event schedule or other information/comments
For more information or connection to Tanya:

Maximum participants: 70
Type of coaching:
Best coaching practice
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 385
Number of languages : 22