10 May 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
2 hours
Online Event
Event type
Team coaching/effectiveness

Group Team Coaching SUPERvision with the #CoachME Model

In this session you will observe Team Coaches being SUPERvised in a group format on their Team Coaching projects. Team Coaching SUPERvision topics may include pricing and pitching, contracting, imposter syndrome, creating iterative team coaching roadmaps, increasing impact from their work, to assessing return on investment and expectations. Team Coaching SUPERvision is a safe space to reflect on professional practice, develop in confidence, increase knowledge, practice through fast-forward experiments, benchmark, restore following complex engagements and move our field forward!
Following the demonstration we will consider competencies used, what worked for the Team Coaches and we will close with shared learning as a group.
IMPORTANT: This session will be delivered in numerous languages simultaneously in different rooms – English, German, French, Russian, Lithuanian, Arabic, Farsi and Indonesian.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Three Team Coaches will be SUPERvised in each breakout room where our global team of MCCs and PCCs, Certified and Accredited SUPERvisors and experienced Team Coaches will hold the space for co-created learning. You will select which room you wish to entre depending on your choice of language.
Maximum participants: 300
Type of coaching:
Team coaching
Remaining: 267
Number of events : 0
Number of languages : 0