13 May 24
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Coaching demo
Executive coaching

ICW 2024- Creativity & Playfulness at the heart of your coaching practice & Free demo

Life is too short to be serious all the time. We are Human Beings and tapping into our cognitive mind is only one consideration in coaching. Creativity is a critical one in today’s fast and ambiguous world where we need to be creative in finding different perspectives and ways of BEING and DOING.

Who you are is How you coach. Who I am is a Creative, playful and fun coach and supervisor who brings herself as the instrument for her work in her practice to best serve her diverse clients.

So have you recently or ever felt or sensed that:

– Your coaching sessions are becoming mundane and lacking some spices?
– There might be a need for being more fun, creative and playful in your coaching practice to explore new territories in you and your clients?
– You want to take more risks with your client

If you answered YES to at least one of the above, then your soul is craving something fresh, new and uplifting.

Come and join me. I will be offering a FREE coaching demo.

Maximum participants: 60
Type of coaching:
Executive coaching
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 0
Number of languages : 0