15 May 24
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching demo
Professional development

ICW2024- The Heart & Soul of Group Coaching Supervision & Demo

“Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.” Rumi

As a CSA trained and accredited supervisor, CSA Faculty, Team Coach Supervisor, EMCC ESIA accredited; focusing on Relational Presence is at the heart of my supervision practice and Who I am as a supervisor, then comes the supervision tools and techniques. I use the CSA Full Spectrum Model, the Seven Eyed Process Model, and as I am also a Systemic Team Coach trained on Peter Hawkins’ methodology, I am always inviting my supervisees to reflect systematically. I am also a Gestalt trained coach, so I work with Gestalt principles in Supervision amongst other modalities.

I will be running a FREE demo of what group supervision looks & feels like; inviting diversity and global mindsets into our reflective learning space. Do join me if this resonates. You can bring either your client work, contractual challenges, coaching themes, personal reflections, some ethical dilemmas across cultures and anything else

Maximum participants: 60
Type of coaching:
Coaching supervision
Remaining: 32
Number of events : 0
Number of languages : 0