13 May 24
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Mentor coaching

Mentor Coaching- What, How, and Why?

This 75 minute, interactive workshop engages participants in thinking about mentor coaching from the perspective of coaches looking for a mentor coach and mentor coaches leveling up their mentor coaching experiences. During this session, we will demonstrate a strengths-based mentor coaching conversation. Facilitators will introduce and model using a questioning framework. And participants will then have an opportunity to practice a mentor coaching conversation. Mentor coaching is an opportunity for mentors and mentees to expand their coaching development and support the coaching profession.

Event schedule or other information/comments
This session will be interactive. Participants will engage in small group conversations in breakout rooms.
Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
Mentor coaching
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 900
Number of languages : 22