Power of Both: How Coaches and Change professionals can work better together to drive transformational organizational change.
A joint learning and networking opportunity with ICF Toronto, ICF Ottawa and ACMP Ontario. Join us to learn more about the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Global Joint Task Force and the numerous ways to leverage the power of Coaching and Change management to improve outcomes for organizations and their people.
In this webinar you will discover:
• How these two “change” professions powerfully complement, intersect and are distinct in change management.
• Learn more about each other’s professions.
• How working together creates more value for us individually, collectively and the organizations that we serve.
• Network and explore opportunities to work together in our local community.
The presenters of this session are Alicia Saint and Abirambika Ravivarman, both members of the Global JTF.
Coaching in organisations
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