12 May 23
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Team coaching/effectiveness

Getting Unstuck: Playful Techniques for Agile Coaching Effectiveness

Are you ready to take your Agile coaching skills to the next level? Join this session for an engaging and playful exploration of three powerful tools from professional coaching and Liberating Structures that can significantly enhance your Agile Coaching Growth Wheel.

Discover how to shift your perspective to bring balance to your coaching style, navigate team conflict with a Third entity perspective (from ORSC), and even discover how to use the “evilness perspective” of TRIZ to make things better.

Take home these three practical tools that can immediately be used to enhance your coaching effectiveness with stakeholders, teams, and leaders. Join this session and our quest to bring playfulness and collaboration into the heart of every organization!

Maximum participants: 25
Type of coaching:
Team coaching
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 949
Number of languages : 23