11 May 23
Event Time
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Online Event
Event type
Personal growth

THE JOURNEY OF LIFE – How Coaching Can Help!

Irish International Coaching Circle members will take you on a “whistle stop” tour during this Journey Through Life!

Our journey in life is one of adventure with no guarantees – no matter how secure we feel. As humans we can become both resourceful and dependant at different stages. We will share with you first hand the value and benefit people gain throughout life when they (or their company/organisation, school or institution) invests in themselves and engages with a coach.

Time invested with a qualified coach is very individual and highly beneficial for more and more people nowadays. We will highlight to you that whatever your age in life or whatever the stage, the opportunity or the challenge that coaching really does help people to tap into their strengths and abilities. It supports them to overcome and achieve. Coaching helps people to reach their full potential – whatever their path!

If you want gain clarity on anything coaching related for you or a friend-see you there!

Event schedule or other information/comments
Coach speaker's with MC & Coach Stephen McDonnell include Brendan Franks, William Corrigan, Ted Walsh (PCC), Julia McDonagh, Aoife Fay, Jennifer Maher, Mary Vaughan (ACC), Morgan O'Connell and Carol Mannion with Marie O'Sullivan also ensuring this event meets you professionally by creating a small resource guide for each participant.
Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 0
Number of events : 1044
Number of languages : 24