16 May 24
Event Time
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1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Executive coaching

Top 5 Essentials from 3 Brains – Head, Heart, and Gut Intelligence for coaching & leadership

Join me in a transformative webinar where we delve into the power of our three brains—the head, heart, and gut—to unlock unprecedented success in personal and professional realms. Discover how biology is key to actual achievement and fulfilment.

We’ll cover:
– Identifying the Issue: Why traditional coaching methods fall short in long-term fulfilment.
– Leadership Within A unique self-assessment to identify which brain guides you.
– Evolutionary Roles: The distinct responsibilities of each brain and their impact on decisions.
– The Barrier of Evolution: How our biology can obstruct change.
– The Perils of Dominance: The risks of one brain overshadowing the others.
– Harmonizing Your Three Brains: Strategies to align your brains for better decision-making and increased satisfaction.

This session aims to shift your perspective on challenges, equipping you with the wisdom of how 3 brains’ intelligence assists in navigating life’s complexities and achieving greater success.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Join me for this transformative journey into the world of the 3 Brains and redefine your coaching and leadership approach.

Before you join the webinar, please do the free Personal Brain Dominance Test: Discover your dominant brain by taking our test at https://www.3brainsintelligence.com/3-brains-preference-dominance-assesment.

Register now and take the first step towards leveraging your Head, Heart, and Gut for exceptional coaching and leadership success!

Maximum participants: 145
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 4
Number of events : 188
Number of languages : 15