15 May 24
Event Time
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45 min
Online Event
Event type
Job/career change

Unleashing Potential: Helping Others Identify Transferable Skills for Career and Life Changes

We often need help identifying transferable skills due to factors such as lack of self-awareness, uncertainty in career changes, limited perspective, outdated terminology, confidence issues, difficulty in matching skills to opportunities, and challenges in effective communication. Coaches can help clients by providing guidance, validation, and encouragement to recognize and leverage their skills effectively in transitioning to new career paths.

By the end of this session attendees will:
– Have an understanding of how to help others identify transferrable skills
– Be equipped with tools and techniques to facilitate skill identification and utilization
– Have confidence in guiding clients (not telling) through successful career transitions regardless of industry

Maximum participants: 75
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 20
Number of events : 97
Number of languages : 10