ESF Sciences Humaines
Publication year
Time management

J’arrête de courir après le temps

Stop wasting time!
Speed, overwhelmed, tired, mentally overloaded, often hyperconnected, sometimes nonchalant and plagued by procrastination but always in search of balance?
💡 I suggest you take an interest in the hidden causes behind time-related problems. Depending on your objectives, you will find a range of solutions: it’s up to you to choose what suits you!
✅ Are you an occasional or chronic procrastinator? Take the test!
✅ Find out what impatience reveals.
✅ For a good life balance, choose everything… but not at the same time!
✅ Get rid of that damn guilt that’s wasting your time!
✅ Ignore the time thieves!
✅ Stop running away from waiting and boredom with screen shots: your life is far too precious!
My intention ? A refreshing and joyful book punctuated with concrete exercises and testimonials to lighten your daily life, decompress, take a step back, anticipate, prioritize and identify what makes sense to you.

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