Waddell K. Fields, SR., C.P.P.M., P.M.P.
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Develop a Life in Alignment with Your Reason for Being
The Dynamics of Success for Life: Purpose (DS4Life-Purpose) will improve the quality of life for all who read it. It is a powerful resource for creating a purposeful life. In studying this book, you will be equipped to make progressive improvements to your life towards a clear purpose. You will be able to transform and create the wonderful life you want and deserve. Studying this material will make you highly conscious of your character, thoughts, and actions. You will become aware of its effect on the outcome of your life and others’ lives. Through the application of it, great things will begin to occur in your life, as if by magic.
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The publication of a book written by an ICF member in this library section does not equate to an ICF endorsement or guarantee of the products or services provided by the author
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